Human Resources Institute

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  If you are a professional member of the following organizations, you can become a CHRIS without passing the qualifying process. The only requirement is to finish a recognized Equity, Diversity and Inclusion course from one of our education partners. Please contact us for details. This is an excellent opportunity for professionals who already hold the professional membership of these organizations to expand their knowledge and become part of the international HR community:

Academy of Human Resources Development

American Payroll Association

Association for Talent Development

Australian Human Resources Institute

Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development

Council for Global Immigration

European Association for People Management

Human Capital Institute

Human Resources Certification Institute

Human Resources Professionals Association

Hong Kong Institute of Human Resources Management

International Association for Human Resources Information Management

International Association of Administrative Professionals

International Public Management Association for Human Resources

Japan Human Resources Society

Malaysian Institute of Human Resource Management

National Human Resources Association

National Institute of Personnel Management

North American Human Resource Management Association

Singapore Human Resources Institute

Society for Human Resources Management

United Kingdom Human Resource Institute






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